
UWC welcomes multiple citizenship draft law submission to Ukraine’s Parliament

#UWC news
January 22,2024 1395
UWC welcomes multiple citizenship draft law submission to Ukraine’s Parliament

The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) welcomes President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s decision to present a draft law on multiple citizenship to the Ukrainian Parliament.  

The UWC considers enacting this legislation and enhancing the multiple citizenship framework a crucial priority, serving as an additional cohesive element for the global Ukrainian community comprising 65 million individuals. Ensuring that multiple citizenship becomes a means for Ukrainians abroad to actively engage in Ukraine’s political, economic, and community affairs is paramount to the UWC. This strategic move is anticipated to significantly contribute to Ukraine’s progress as a modern, prosperous nation within the European family of nations. 

The UWC also hopes that the global Ukrainian community will be actively engaged in refining the proposed draft law and stands ready to collaborate with the President of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Parliament in this regard.   

The UWC sees great symbolism in President Zelenskyy’s timing of this significant initiative on Ukrainian Unity Day – a day that unites millions of Ukrainians worldwide in their commitment to Ukraine. We are confident that introducing multiple citizenship will foster even greater unity among Ukrainians, enhancing their ability to effectively address current and future challenges. 

Cover: Shutterstock

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