
UWC President was a speaker at the Warsaw Summit Experts’ Forum – NATO in Defence of Peace: 2016 and Beyond

#UWC news
July 13,2016 178

On 7-9 July 2016, Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) President Eugene Czolij attended the Warsaw Summit Experts’ Forum –NATO in Defence of Peace: 2016 and Beyond.

On 9 July 2016, Eugene Czolij was a speaker at this Forum on the topic Preserving peace by fostering freedom, justice and security to the wider world.

This Forum was organized by the Polish Institute of International Affairs and GLOBSEC, in partnership with the Atlantic Council, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

The UWC President made the following recommendations:

  1. NATO must state clearly and unequivocally that, in defending its Eastern borders, Ukraine is stopping Russian aggression from moving further West into Europe, and, as the Minister of Defence of Poland declared, “They [the Ukrainians] need us and we need them;”
  2. NATO needs to act accordingly and to be proactive (instead of reactive) in its approach;
  3. NATO and its member countries should promote an increase of sanctions against the Russian Federation until it fully complies with the Minsk Agreements and de-occupies Crimea;
  4. NATO and its member countries should provide Ukraine the necessary military and financial support to enable Ukraine to overcome Russian aggression; and
  5. NATO should enlarge and deepen its partnership with Ukraine in order to pave the way for Ukraine’s membership in NATO.

Eugene Czolij also indicated that Russian disinformation consists in, among others, convincing the international community that Ukraine is a failed state. Thus, it is important for NATO and its member countries to acknowledge the important reforms already made by Ukraine and to encourage further reforms.

The Warsaw Summit Communiqué, issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Warsaw on 8-9 July 2016, specifically reads:

16. […] We stand firm in our support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity […]. We strongly condemn Russia’s aggressive actions against Ukraine and its continued violation of international law and its international obligations, which have serious implications for the stability and security of the entire Euro-Atlantic area. […]

69. […] Russia’s unilateral military activity in and around Ukraine continues to undermine peace, security, and stability across the region, and its selective implementation of the Vienna Document and Open Skies Treaty and long-standing non-implementation of the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty have eroded the positive contributions of these arms control instruments.  Allies call on Russia to fully adhere to its commitments. […]

118. […] We welcome Ukraine’s intent to further deepen its Distinctive Partnership with NATO, as well as its past and present contributions to NATO-led operations and the NATO Response Force even while it has been defending itself against Russia’s aggressive actions. […]

“I believe that, on the basis of the Warsaw Summit Communiqué, NATO and its member countries, will effectively assist Ukraine in defending its independence and territorial integrity, thereby assisting in stopping Russian aggression in Eastern Ukraine and ending the illegal occupation of Crimea which, in turn, will contribute to restoring peace and stability in the world,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij. 


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