On 18 November 2018, Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) President Eugene Czolij fulfilled a visit to Copenhagen where he participated in the founding meeting (Meeting) establishing the Ukrainian national central representation – Association of Ukrainians in Denmark, that were held on the premises of the Embassy of Ukraine.
Eugene Czolij chaired the Meeting and, on behalf of the UWC, extended greetings to its participants, particularly the representatives of the following five organizations-founding members of the Association of Ukrainians in Denmark – Ukrainian Youth Organization “Lastivka”, Bevar Ukraine, Club Ukraine, Ukrainian Sports Association and Faino.
During the Meeting, a resolution was passed creating the Association of Ukrainians in Denmark and establishing its mission, namely, to mobilize the Ukrainian Diaspora through cooperation and the coordination of activities of all Ukrainian organizations in Denmark, with the goal of worthily presenting Ukraine and the interests of Ukrainians, both in Denmark and abroad.
A Coordinating Council for the Association of Ukrainians in Denmark was elected as follows: Lesya Rykhalska (President), Andrii Kuzmyn (Vice President), Iryna Rysak (Treasurer), Oleh Dudnyk, Ruslan Lavrynovych, Inna Pedersen, Lyudmyla Golovko, Gennadiy Torba and Petro Ustymchyk.
Subsequently, the Association of Ukrainians in Denmark accepted as an Honorary Member the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Denmark and as Associate Members: Help Ukraine, Danish-Ukrainian Association and “Help for Sick Children” Fund.
In addition, a motion was adopted to apply to the UWC to accept into its membership the Association of Ukrainians in Denmark.
On this day, the UWC President addressed the Ukrainian community, presenting the main activities of the UWC in support of Ukraine.
“The Ukrainian World Congress welcomes the establishment of the Association of Ukrainians in Denmark as a significant event both for the Ukrainian community in Denmark and the UWC, and counts on close cooperation with this umbrella organization,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.