
UWC President delivers keynote address at 67th Jamboree of Ukrainian American Youth Association

#UWC news
September 12,2018 179

On 2 September 2018, Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) President Eugene Czolij delivered the keynote address at the 67th All-American Jamboree of the Ukrainian American Youth Association (CYM) in Ellenville, USA.

The UWC President extended greetings to participants of the event and focused their attention on current events in Ukraine, which today valiantly combats Russian hybrid aggression while actively reforming. Eugene Czolij highlighted the bravery of members of the organization, Yevhen Voitsekhivskyi and Vitalii Volkotrub, who heroically sacrificed their lives in the Donbas defending Ukraine, and who were posthumously awarded by the CYM World Executive with the organization’s highest honor – the Iron Cross. The UWC President called upon the organization’s members to continue supporting Ukraine, particularly in combating Russian disinformation, and to act with commitment in accordance with the CYM motto “Ukraine’s honour – Ready to defend!”  

“The Ukrainian World Congress highly regards the work of the Ukrainian American Youth Association under the leadership of Adrian Dlaboha as it nurtures Ukrainian youth with high spiritual and national principles, and we count on its continued constructive cooperation with the Ukrainian World Congress in furthering Ukrainian interests,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.


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