
UWC President addressed the UNCUA AGM and presented Certificates of Recognition to Ukrainian cooperatives in the U.S.A.

#UWC news
June 12,2017 262

On 9 June 2017, on the invitation of the Ukrainian National Credit Union Association (UNCUA) Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) President Eugene Czolij participated in the UNCUA Annual General Meeting in Washington, U.S.A., where he delivered an address about the 50th anniversary of the UWC, extended greetings to the participants of the meeting and recognized Ukrainian cooperatives for their long‑standing financial support of the UWC.

Eugene Czolij presented the UNCUA and Ukrainian cooperatives in the U.S.A. with Certificates of Recognition.

The UWC awarded in the category “For very significant financial support”: Selfreliance Foundation of Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal Credit Union, Chicago; Self Reliance New York Federal Credit Union; and SUMA (Yonkers) Federal Credit Union; in the category “For significant financial support”: Nova UA Federal Credit Union, Clifton, NJ; and Ukrainian Selfreliance Federal Credit Union, Philadelphia; and in the category “For financial support”: Cleveland Selfreliance Federal Credit Union; Ukrainian Federal Credit Union, Rochester; Ukrainian National Federal Credit Union; and  the UNCUA.

Since 1981 the UNCUA coordinates the work of Ukrainian cooperatives in the U.S. and has a wide network of institutions that are the financial economic backbone of Ukrainians and Ukrainian community organizations in America.

“I extend sincere gratitude to the UNCUA and Ukrainian cooperatives in the U.S.A. for the long-standing support of the Ukrainian World Congress which is now focused primarily on the defence of the territorial integrity of Ukraine,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.


In the photo: E. Czolij is delivering a speech.

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