
UWC extends application deadline for long-term observers during Ukraine’s 2019 Presidential election

#UWC news
February 9,2019 153

The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) extends the deadline for applying to the UWC International Observation Mission to Ukraine’s 2019 Elections (Mission) to serve as a long-term observer during the Presidential election until 17 February 2019.

The Mission will monitor and provide assessments of the Presidential election planned for 31 March 2019 and, in the event of a second round of voting, on 21 April 2019, coordinate the work of long-term observers and deploy short-term observers throughout Ukraine and to Ukraine’s diplomatic missions around the world.

The UWC reminds that long-term observers are not required to physically be in Ukraine. Long-term observers can join the work of the Mission by participating in online training, about which additional information will be provided, and allocating several hours per week to perform media monitoring. Proficiency in Ukrainian is required. To apply for participation in the Mission as a long-term observer (who does not intend to travel to Ukraine and will not be a short-term observer), it is sufficient to fill out a simplified application form that can be found HERE. Otherwise, the standard application form must be completed.

The UWC also informs that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted on 7 February 2019 Bill No. 9524 “On Amendments to Certain Laws on Observing the Electoral Process in Ukraine”, which bars citizens of the Russian Federation from serving as election observers during the upcoming Presidential election in Ukraine. Namely, the law stipulates that a person who is a citizen (subject) of a state recognized by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as an aggressor state or occupying state cannot be an observer at Local, Parliamentary or Presidential elections in Ukraine. The UWC will continue to closely monitor the amendments to election-related legislation in Ukraine.

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