
UWC Eugene Czolij met in Germany with high-ranking officials of Bavaria

#UWC news
July 4,2017 172

On 30 June 2017, during a working visit to Munich, Germany, Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) President met with President of the Bavarian Parliament Barbara Stamm and high-ranking officials of Bavaria to discuss support for Ukraine and securing peace and stability in Europe.

During the meetings, the UWC President thanked Germany for its leading role in the Normandy format negotiations and its support for Ukraine in various areas, including humanitarian aid. Eugene Czolij called upon Germany to continue actively promoting the defence of the territorial integrity of Ukraine and maintaining pressure on the Russian Federation until it fully complies with the Minsk agreements and de-occupies Crimea.

The UWC President also urged greater interest in issues concerning Ukrainian political prisoners in Russian Federation occupied Crimea and territories of Donbas, and the Russian Federation itself.

Taking into account that a component of the hybrid war of the Russian Federation is disinformation designed to present Ukraine as a failed state, Eugene Czolij spoke about the significant progress made by Ukraine that is reforming, modernizing, integrating with Europe, battling corruption and has great potential for economic development. In this context, the UWC President called for Bavaria to strengthen cooperation between Munich and its twin city Kyiv.

In addition, Eugene Czolij called upon the governing authorities of Bavaria to work more closely with the Association of Ukrainian Organizations in Germany (AUOG), particularly in the framework of cooperation between the twin cities Munich and Kyiv.

During the meetings, the UWC President was accompanied by President of the AUOG Lesya Shramko, Director of the UWC Mission to International Organizations in Brussels Maryna Iaroshevych, and Consul of Ukraine in Munich Dmytro Shevchenko. 

“The Ukrainian World Congress calls upon Germany to continue actively supporting Ukraine in the defence of its territorial integrity and to contribute to its economic development,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.


List of officials with whom the UWC President met:

Fröba Andrea, Deputy Director for relations with countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Bavarian Office

Hechenberger Renate, Head of the Department for International Cooperation, Munich City Council

Jörg Matthias, Executive Director of the Social Democratic Party, Munich City Council

Neff Gabriele, Deputy Chair of the Free Democrats Party, Munich City Council

Alexander Reissl, Chair of the Social Democratic Party, Munich City Council

Stamm Barbara, President of the Parliament of Bavaria

Wiegand Gunnar, Head of the Department for European Union Affairs and International Relations, Bavarian Office

Wiepcke Dorothee, Representative of the Christian-Social Union of Bavaria in Munich City Council and Executive Director of the Christian-Social Union of Bavaria Academy

For information on the meeting with President of the Parliament of Bavaria Barbara Stamm is available on the web site of the Parliament of Bavaria


In the photo from left: D. Shevchenko, L. Shramko, E. Czolij, B. Stamm and M. Iaroshevych. Photo by Rolf Poss

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