
UWC deems “referendum” in the Crimea illegal and denounces Russia’s violation of international law

#UWC news
March 17,2014 329

UWC deems “referendum” in the Crimea illegal

and denounces Russia’s violation of international law


The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) deems illegal the “referendum” in the Crimea of 16 March 2014 and strongly denounces the deliberate force by the Russian Federation with which it was imposed. These actions clearly contravene the Constitution of Ukraine and generally accepted norms and principles of international law.

The UWC urges the international community to reinforce its strong condemnation of Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine with determined action, including economic sanctions, trade penalties and the freezing of assets, in order to compel the removal of Russian troops from the territory of Ukraine.

“The Ukrainian World Congress supports the governing authorities and people of Ukraine as they struggle to defend the country’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity in the wake of foreign occupation unprecedented in the 21st century,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij. 

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