
UWC Coordinating Committee in Support of Ukraine discussed issue of dual citizenship for Ukrainians

#UWC news
May 13,2017 220

The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) Coordinating Committee in Support of Ukraine discussed the issue of dual citizenship for Ukrainians in the context of foreign labour migration during a teleconference on 6 May 2017 organized by the UWC Mission in Ukraine.

Participating in the teleconference were representatives of UWC member organizations from various countries and invited guests: National Institute for Strategic Studies expert Dr. Olena Malynovska and one of the authors of the Law of Ukraine “On Ukrainian citizenship” Valentina Subotenko.

During the teleconference a detailed analysis was presented of legal initiatives related to multiple citizenship currently being reviewed by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine followed by an in-depth discussion of the topic.

Participants of the teleconference emphasized the need to convene public hearings for a fullsome discussion on an appropriate government level of the Draft Act on amending the Law of Ukraine “On Ukrainian citizenship” with respect to exercising the right to change citizenship, with the participation of experts and civil society in Ukraine and the diaspora. The same recommendation was made earlier by UWC President Eugene Czolij in a letter to President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.


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