
UWC condemns construction and opening of Kerch Strait Bridge by Russian Federation

#UWC news
May 18,2018 317

The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) condemns the construction and partial opening of the Kerch Strait Bridge by the Russian Federation which links it with the Crimean peninsula and impedes access to Ukrainian ports in the Sea of Azov.

The construction of the Kerch Strait Bridge further demonstrates the blatant disregard of the Russian Federation for international law and Ukraine’s territorial integrity, and underscores its determination as a foreign aggressor to strengthen the hold on Crimea that it illegally and forcefully occupied in February 2014.

“The Ukrainian World Congress calls upon the international community to uphold the commitments it has made, including in resolutions of the United Nations and European Parliament, to Ukraine’s independence and territorial integrity, support the deployment of an OSCE monitoring mission to Crimea and increase sanctions against the Russian Federation until it fully complies with the Minsk agreements and de-occupies Crimea,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.

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