
UWC calls upon Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to support the appointment of Ulana Suprun as Minister of Health of Ukraine

#UWC news
February 7,2019 208

The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) is deeply concerned over the decision issued by the Kyiv District Administrative Court on 5 February 2019 to ban Ulana Suprun from exercising her powers as Acting Minister of Health of Ukraine.

The UWC together with the international community recognize the leadership of Acting Minister of Health of Ukraine Ulana Suprun in the implementation of monumental reforms in the healthcare system of Ukraine. Her efforts have improved healthcare for the citizens of Ukraine and established a system that is transparent, viable and accessible to all, and free from many of the corrupt schemes of the past. 

The UWC supports the progressive measures taken by Ulana Suprun and her team, which serve as concrete examples of the realization of reforms for the benefit of the Ukrainian people on Ukraine’s path of development as a modern and prosperous European state. 

“Today it is imperative to not allow the opponents of Ulana Suprun to destroy the achievements in reforming the healthcare system of Ukraine while seeking a return to the old, corrupt system,” stated UWC President Paul Grod. “The UWC is grateful to the President, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada and Prime Minister of Ukraine for their support of Ulana Suprun, and calls for the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to vote for the appointment of Ulana Suprun as Minister of Health of Ukraine. In conjunction with this, Ukraine should encourage and create conditions for all Ukrainians, regardless of their place of birth, to actively participate in the development of a successful, democratic and European Ukraine.”

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