
UWC calls on the international community to take immediate concrete measures to stop the killings and bloodshed in Ukraine

#UWC news
February 18,2014 227

18 February 2014




UWC calls on the international community to take immediate concrete measures to stop the killings and bloodshed in Ukraine

On 18 February 2014, Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) President Eugene Czolij issued an urgent appeal to the international community calling for swift reaction to renewed violence in Kyiv by Ukraine’s governing authorities that has resulted in deaths and numerous injuries.

The situation in Ukraine has significantly deteriorated with attempts by Ukraine’s governing authorities to ruthlessly destroy EuroMaidan instead of resolving the crisis. Brutal attacks on protesters continue and the city is closed to the outside world.

 “The Ukrainian World Congress appeals to the international community to take concrete measures without delay to stop the killings and bloodshed in Ukraine,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.

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