
Ukrainians in Chicago meet with Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur

September 5,2023 936
Ukrainians in Chicago meet with Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur

The Ukrainian community in Chicago met with American politician Marcy Kaptur. The private event was held at the University Club of Chicago. Those present discussed Russia’s war against Ukraine and the necessary support for the Armed Forces.

“History will judge our generation for what we did or did not do for Ukraine at this moment in history,” Kaptur said.

Members of the Ukrainian community organizations joined the tribute, including UCCA Illinois Division, the Holodomor Committee, the Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art, the Ukrainian National Museum, the Ukrainian Women’s Association of America, UMANA, Kyiv-Mohyla Foundation, teachers, and lawyers. 

“In addition, representatives of the Polish and Belarus communities attended the gathering.  Jaroslawa Z. Johnson, president and CEO of Western NIS Enterprise Fund, and Anna Cirilli, award-winning principal of St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic School, attended,” Marta Farion, event’s host and vice-president of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America Illinois Division and president of the Kyiv-Mohyla Foundation of America said.

Marcy Kaptur is the author of several legislative initiatives aimed at supporting humanitarian and military aid to Ukraine, particularly the bill that provides for sanctions against the Russian Federation. In the fall of 2017, she was the co-author of the draft resolution of the US House of Representatives on recognizing the Holodomor as a genocide of the Ukrainian people.

“We are here, where there is calm and peace, meanwhile Ukrainian soldiers are dying for freedom. Ukraine is fighting, it is teaching the world what freedom is,” Congresswoman Kaptur concluded.

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