
Ukrainians in Africa protest against deportation of Ukrainian children

June 2,2023 1111
Ukrainians in Africa protest against deportation of Ukrainian children

Ukrainian Association of South Africa (UAZA) protested on Children’s Day. Activists called on the South African authorities to help bring Russia to justice for the deportation of Ukrainian children.

“The deportation, abduction, and separation of children from their parents is the basis for an arrest warrant on President Putin by the International Criminal Court. This is also a crime under customary international law, by which Ukraine, Russia, and South Africa are bound. Thousands of children are deported and separated from their families, from their homes, and from their culture,” the association’s statement reads.

The protesters also expressed disagreement with the tolerance of Putin’s actions by local authorities. In particular, they condemned the desire of South Africa to change the legislation before the visit of the Russian president. South Africa wants to establish independence from the International Criminal Court to guarantee the immunity of the dictator of the Russian Federation.

“We call on Naledi Pandor and the South African government, as well as all South African human rights organisations, to demand that Russia immediately stops the practice of the forcible transfer and deportation of children and respects children’s right to identity, right to family, and right to unite with their family,” UAZA stated.

According to activists, the country’s government can stop the abduction and forced deportation of children and “use its voice.”

The leading South African media Daily Maverick published a column by the executive director of the Center for Civil Liberties human rights organization and Nobel laureate Oleksandra Romantsova, as well as the honorary president of the Ukrainian Association of South Africa Dzvinka Kachur. The authors explained how Russia violates international law and how South Africa can help return Ukrainian children.

Photo source: UAZA

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