
Ukrainian World Congress welcomes visit to Donbas by delegation of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

#UWC news
May 26,2018 131

The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) welcomes the visit by senior representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE PA) to the Donbas region of Ukraine on 13 May 2018. In particular, the delegation led by OSCE PA President George Tsereteli visited several cities in the proximity of the frontline, including Kramatorsk, Slovyansk, and Maiorsk. The visit was organized by the Ukrainian Parliament and the OSCE’s Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (SMM) and consisted of meetings with Ukraine’s officials, including President Petro Poroshenko, and comprehensive de-briefings about the situation in the Donbas.

The delegation participants asserted that the gravity of the situation in Donbas should not be underestimated and urged for the SMM to be given access to the entire stretch of the uncontrolled Russian Federation – Ukraine border. Also, they thanked other international organizations and NGOs for their commitment to supporting the people of Donbas under such difficult circumstances. In addition, the OSCE PA has consistently called for the full implementation of the Minsk agreements and the granting of unhindered access for international and humanitarian institutions to the affected areas of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions illegally occupied by the Russian Federation.

The UWC commends the OSCE PA Delegation and the OSCE SMM for their vigilance and constant attention to the situation in Eastern Ukraine in line with UWC’s calls expressed during meetings with OSCE officials and during events organized by the OSCE PA and the UWC. Some examples of such endeavours are listed below:


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“The Ukrainian World Congress greatly appreciates the monitoring activities of the OSCE in Ukraine, including the visit by the OSCE PA delegation to the Donbas region on 13 May 2018, and calls on the OSCE and the rest of the international community to continue standing side-by-side with Ukraine in protecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity from Russian aggression,” asserted UWC President Eugene Czolij.

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