
Ukrainian World Congress welcomes the decisions of the United States and European Union to introduce further sanctions against Russia

#UWC news
July 16,2014 141

Ukrainian World Congress welcomes the decisions of the United States and European Union to introduce further sanctions against Russia

The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) welcomes today’s coordinated decisions of the United States and European Union (EU) to introduce further sanctions against Russia in response to its unabated brutal aggression in Ukraine.

The fact that these decisions were coordinated sends Russia a clear signal that it must respect its international commitments not with hollow statements but concrete actions.

The United States introduced sanctions against prominent Russian banks and energy companies, while the EU suspended new EU-backed investments in Russia. The EU is also preparing a list of individuals and companies that support actions violating the territorial integrity of Ukraine, specifically those related to the illegal annexation of Crimea and destabilization of Eastern Ukraine.

Instead of responding positively to the clear call of the international community and de-escalating in Ukraine, Russia is already threatening sanctions of its own.

“The Ukrainian World Congress calls on the EU to promptly prepare the list of individuals and companies in Russia that contribute to violating the territorial integrity of Ukraine and introduce against them sanctions similar to those adopted today by the United States. Only with such actions will the EU send Russia the message that there are serious consequences of breaching international law, and guarantee peace and stability in Europe,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.

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