
Ukrainian World Congress welcomes decision by G7 leaders to exclude Russia from next Summit

#UWC news
March 26,2014 259

26 March 2014


Ukrainian World Congress welcomes decision by G7 leaders to exclude Russia from next Summit

The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) welcomes the decision on 24 March 2014 by G7 leaders to exclude Russia from the next summit now scheduled for June 2014 in Brussels, Belgium, and not Sochi, Russia, as originally planned.

During an emergency meeting in The Hague, the G7 leaders unanimously condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea, and reaffirmed their support for the people of Ukraine.

With Canada’s lead, the exclusion of Russia from the G8 Summit has been strongly advocated by the international community, including the UWC.

“The decision sends a strong signal to the Russian Federation that its clear violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity will not be tolerated by the international community,” commented UWC President Eugene Czolij.

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