
Ukrainian World Congress urges EU leaders to immediately impose targeted sector-specific sanctions on Russia

#UWC news
July 15,2014 165

Ukrainian World Congress urges EU leaders  to immediately impose targeted sector-specific sanctions on Russia 

The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) urges the leaders of the European Union meeting for an extraordinary summit on 16 July 2014 in Brussels, Belgium, to immediately impose targeted sector-specific sanctions on Russia as the brazen Russian aggression in Eastern Ukraine continues unabatedly.

On 27 June 2014 the European Council concluded:


5.     The European Council recalls that the European Commission, the EEAS and the Member States have been undertaking preparatory work on targeted measures, as it requested in March, so that further steps can be taken without delay. In that respect, the European Council expects that by Monday 30 June the following steps will have been taken:

  • agreement on a verification mechanism, monitored by the OSCE, for the cease-fire and for the effective control of the border;

  • return to the Ukrainian authorities of the three border checkpoints (Izvarino, Dolzhanskiy, Krasnopartizansk);

  • release of hostages including all of the OSCE observers;

  • launch of substantial negotiations on the implementation of President Poroshenko’s peace plan.

Despite attempts by Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko to enforce a ceasefire and negotiate a peaceful solution to the crisis in the Eastern regions of Ukraine, his efforts have fallen on deaf ears. Russia has not changed course. The evidence for Russia’s support of the terrorists in Eastern Ukraine is mounting by the day while the number of casualties resulting from their senseless and inhumane actions continues to rise.


Notwithstanding the fact that Russia continues unabashedly to violate its international commitments, the international community is wavering and France reiterated its commitment to sell French-built Mistral class amphibious assault carriers to the Russian Navy unless the European Union imposes the third level of sanctions on Russia.


“The time to act is now. The Ukrainian World Congress urges the leaders of the European Union to impose targeted sector-specific sanctions while they can still be effective,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij. “If international leaders do not actually follow through with their warnings immediately, Russia will be emboldened to threaten peace and security not only in Ukraine but in other regions of Europe.”

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