
Ukrainian World Congress strongly condemns threats by the Ministry of Culture against the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church for EuroMaidan activities

#UWC news
January 14,2014 239

14 January 2014




Ukrainian World Congress strongly condemns threats by the Ministry of Culture against the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church for EuroMaidan activities

The Ukrainian World Congress strongly condemns threats by Ukraine’s Ministry of Culture against the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church for the activities of its clergy on Kyiv’s EuroMaidan, as expressed on 3 January 2014 by First Deputy Minister of Culture Tymofii Kokhan in his official letter to the Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Patriarch Sviatoslav (Shevchuk).

This letter states that the religious activities on Kyiv’s Independence Square by representatives of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church contravened the Law of Ukraine “On freedom of conscience and religious organizations”, in accordance with which public liturgies on the EuroMaidan require a permit from the local state administration.

In addition, the letter threatens legal action to ban the activities of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

“The Ukrainian World Congress is deeply troubled by such interpretation of the Law of Ukraine “On freedom of conscience and religious organizations” and deems the threats expressed in the letter from the Ministry of Culture against the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church to be a violation of the constitutional right to freedom of worship. The Ukrainian World Congress calls upon Ukraine’s governing authorities to immediately withdraw the unfounded accusations against the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church whose clergy prayed together with the peaceful protesters on Kyiv’s EuroMaidan in support of the Ukrainian people’s aspirations to live in a state governed by the rule of law,” stated Ukrainian World Congress President Eugene Czolij. 

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