
Ukrainian World Congress renews calls for recognition of Holodomor as genocide of Ukrainian people

#UWC news
November 4,2015 172

On the occasion of the dedication on 7 November 2015 in the United States Capitol, Washington, D.C., of a memorial to the victims of the Holodomor, famine genocide of 1932-33, the Ukrainian World Congress renews its call for recognition of the Holodomor as a genocide of the Ukrainian people by the United Nations and all national governments that have not done so yet.

Thousands of people are expected to gather in the U.S. Capitol on this historic occasion to unite in remembering the victims of the Holodomor, honoring the survivors, and appealing to the international community to heed the lessons of history. 

In 1933, in an attempt to silence the Ukrainian nation and quell its aspirations for independence, Stalin’s totalitarian regime sentenced millions of people to death by starvation. “Ukraine is now of the utmost importance … If we do not deal with the situation in Ukraine, we can lose Ukraine forever …”, wrote Joseph Stalin in 1932 to the Secretary of the Communist Party, Lazar Kaganovich.

In 2015, eighty two years later, young men and women are forced to stand in the face of Russian aggression that, once again, threatens their aspiration to live in dignity in Ukraine – an independent, sovereign, democratic European state.

“The Ukrainian World Congress calls upon the international community to share the story of the Holodomor with the world and join the appeal for the United Nations General Assembly and all national governments that have not done so yet to recognize the Ukrainian famine of 1932-33 a genocide of the Ukrainian people,” stated UWC Secretary General and Chair of the UWC International Holodomor Awareness Committee Stefan Romaniw.

More information on the events scheduled for the dedication of the memorial in Washington, D.C. to the victims of the Holodomor being organized by the U.S. Committee for Holodomor-Genocide Awareness 1932-33 is available at this link:

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