On 1 June 2014 in Chicago, U.S.A., Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) President Eugene Czolij, joined by leaders of the local Ukrainian community, met with U.S. Congressman Danny Davis.
During the meeting, the UWC President emphasized the importance of increasing pressure on Russia, which illegally annexed Crimea and continues to support terrorists in Eastern Ukraine. Eugene Czolij noted that Russia’s blatant violation of international law, including the UN Charter and the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, is a problem of global scope that casts doubt over the enforcement of international agreements and threatens security and stability throughout the world. The possibility of granting Ukraine the status of a major non-NATO ally was also discussed.
Also participating in the meeting were President of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America – Illinois Division Alex Striltschuk and Vice President Paul Bandriwsky, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal Credit Union Michael Kos and the Credit Union’s President, UWC Financial Officer Bohdan Watral, Vice President of the Board of Directors of Selfreliance Credit Union Oleh Karawan and Board member Roman Jatskovskyy, President of the Selfreliance Foundation Oresta Fedyniak and President of the Heritage Foundation of the First Security Bank Julian Kulas.
“The Ukrainian World Congress calls upon the United States to play a leading role in implementing more effective measures to assist Ukraine in withstanding Russia’s military aggression and safeguard peace and stability in the world,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.
In the photo from left:
Front Row – Julian Kulas, Alex Striltschuk, Danny Davis, Eugene Czolij, Bohdan Watral and Michael Kos;
Middle row – Oleh Karawan and Oresta Fedyniak;
Back row – Roman Jatskovskyy and Paul Bandriwsky.