
Ukrainian World Congress President delivers greetings on 75th anniversary of Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

#UWC news
May 22,2015 180

On 20 May 2015 Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) President Eugene Czolij delivered greetings during a commemorative luncheon marking the 75th anniversary of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) at the U.S. Capitol building in Washington.


Highlighting the successes of UCCA, Eugene Czolij saluted its membership led by President Tamara Gallo Olexy, and all of her predecessors, for their great accomplishments and remarkable perseverance for the betterment of the Ukrainian community in the United States and the Ukrainian people in Ukraine. Joining Tamara Gallo Olexy were former UCCA Presidents Askold Lozynskyj and Michael Sawkiw.


“I wish you continued success and I am confident that the UCCA, inspired by its 75 years of history and achievements, will redouble its efforts in today’s challenging times until Ukraine prevails in stopping Russian aggression against the free world,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.


The UWC President also expressed gratitude to Members of the U.S. Congress, several of whom were in attendance along with high-level government officials and Ambassadors, for their strong support of Ukraine and its people as demonstrated by the unanimous adoption by the United States Congress of the Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014.


While in Washington, the UWC President joined the UCCA Executive Board at a meeting with Senator Rob Portman to discuss his recent official trip to Ukraine and the need for effective U.S. assistance to help Ukraine stop Russia’s aggression. 


Eugene Czolij also met with Atlantic Council Executive Vice President Damon Wilson and Director of the Atlantic Council’s Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center Ambassador John Herbst to discuss continued cooperation on the Council’s Ukraine in Europe Initiative.


The meeting was followed by a dinner hosted by the Atlantic Council affording Eugene Czolij the opportunity to exchange with several experts on the most efficient ways to support Ukraine during these challenging times as it defends its territorial integrity and the core values of democracy and fundamental freedoms.

In the photo: E.Czolij.

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