
Ukrainian World Congress is deeply troubled by the use of force on peaceful demonstrators on Kyiv’s EuroMaidan

#UWC news
December 11,2013 191

11 December 2013


Ukrainian World Congress is deeply troubled by the use of force on peaceful demonstrators on Kyiv’s EuroMaidan

The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) is deeply troubled by the actions of Ukraine’s governing authorities who, once again, during the night, chose to use riot police to silence the peaceful protesters on Kyiv’s EuroMaidan.

With these actions Ukraine’s governing authorities have shown the world their disrespect for the fundamental principles of democracy and human rights and freedoms, and for the aspirations of the Ukrainian people to live in a European and democratic country.

“The UWC strongly  condemns Ukraine’s governing authorities and calls upon them to immediately cease  the use of force on peaceful protesters. On behalf of the 20-million strong Ukrainian diaspora, the UWC expresses its solidarity with all Ukrainians who continue to stand on EuroMaidans throughout Ukraine for the right to live in dignity,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.

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