
Ukrainian World Congress extends greetings to Ukrainians worldwide on 24th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence

#UWC news
August 24,2015 173

My nation is and always will be! Now and for eternity!”

With this affirmation by renowned Ukrainian poet Vasyl Symonenko, Ukrainians throughout the world mark the 24th anniversary of Ukrainian independence on 24 August 2015 in solidarity with the people of Ukraine who continue to defend their country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Despite the relentless aggression of the Russian Federation, Ukraine continues to resolutely resist the enemy while implementing its national reform agenda, building strong relations with the international community, stabilizing the national economy, globally promoting Ukraine’s economic viability, and further integrating the country into the European community.

Ukrainians throughout the world have united for the attainment of one paramount goal – entrenching the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine. 

On Independence Day we join in prayer to honor all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for Ukraine’s independence. Let us keep in our thoughts the men and women to continue to stand on the front lines against the aggressor.

Independence Day is the most celebrated national holiday. On this day may the Ukrainian flag wave freely in every corner of the world symbolizing the determination and unity of the Ukrainian people in realizing the aspiration to live a dignified life in peace, freedom and prosperity.

“On the occasion of the 24th anniversary of Ukrainian Independence Day I extend greetings to the Hierarchs and Clergy of Ukrainian Churches, President of Ukraine, Prime Minister of Ukraine, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, all the brave men and women fighting for Ukraine’s independence, UWC member organizations and Ukrainians worldwide,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.

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