
Tyzhden.fr: main events in Ukraine and in the world – in French

November 16,2022 636
Tyzhden.fr: main events in Ukraine and in the world – in French

Tyzhden is a leading independent media outlet that publishes news in Ukrainian and English and also maintains a French-language website and social media pages.

The main news, exclusive materials created for the French-speaking audience, as well as translations of communications from other languages ​​into French – all this and more can be found at https://tyzhden.fr/, on Twitter @Ukr_Week_FR and in the Telegram network @The Ukrainian Week (FR)

Experienced Ukrainian journalists and French native speakers collaborate in creating everyday news.

“Yes, the French are very interested in Ukraine today, but we should not be a silent object. In order to be heard, you have to speak,” – the Tyzhden team is convinced.

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