
Support the Ukrainian World Congress in this season of giving

#UWC news
November 30,2019 149

The Ukrainian World Congress touches more Ukrainian lives than any organization in the world, bringing together over 20 million Ukrainians in over 60 countries.  We have been able to do so over the past 50 years thanks to the generosity of our donors. We are a volunteer-run organization receiving no government funding, relying on donors like you to continue our good work.

Today the Ukrainian people face daily threats to their national identity, peace and security as well as fundamental rights and freedoms. With #Giving Tuesday just around the corner, please support UWC with a year-end tax-deductible donation ( to help protect the Ukrainian people from these very real threats and to develop Ukrainian communities around the world for future generations. 

Here are just some of the highlights of the things your generous support made possible in 2019:

– three observation missions to ensure fair and transparent Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine, along with a long-term mission to counter the disinformation campaign against Ukraine in international media;

– support for Ukraine Reform Conference and Ukraine House Toronto to encourage increased support for reforms and economic development of Ukraine from world-renowned leaders;

– first-ever Ukrainian Day in Germany bringing our vibrant European community together and building awareness of Ukraine agenda in Europe;

… and more.

As we look ahead, by supporting UWC you will be helping to:

End Russian aggression against Ukraine and the Ukrainian people;

– Support the development of Ukraine as a sovereign and prosperous European nation;

– Build a strong global Ukrainian diaspora.

Support UWC today to help us deliver these important objectives. 

Every donation makes a difference. Please contact us to find out more about ways to donate, the impact of your donation and how you can support UWC activities globally.

Thank you in advance for your generous support!


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