
So-called “public chambers” of “LPR” and “DPR” demand an immediate initiation of referendums on their recognition as subjects of rf

September 20,2022 697
So-called “public chambers” of “LPR” and “DPR” demand an immediate initiation of referendums on their recognition as subjects of rf

As Censor.NЕТ informs, kremlin propagandist media RIA News wrote that “the militants appealed to their leaders Leonid Pasechnik and Denis Pushylin with the initiative to immediately hold a referendum on their recognition as subjects of the Russian Federation.”

According to the analysis of the Institute for the Study of War, “Urgent discussion on September 19 among Russia’s proxies of the need for Russia to immediately annex Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts (much of the latter of which is not under Russian control) suggests that Ukraine’s ongoing northern counter-offensive is panicking proxy forces and some Kremlin decision-makers.”

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