
Putin to evict Ukrainians from homes who don’t accept Russian citizenship

March 24,2025 1532
Putin to evict Ukrainians from homes who don’t accept Russian citizenship

Kremlin ruler Vladimir Putin has threatened to expel Ukrainians from their homes if they don’t take on Russian citizenship, according to a presidential decree he signed on March 20. 

It applies to Ukrainians who reside in Russia and in the occupied territories of Ukraine. They have 90 days to comply to “legalize” their status or could face orders to leave their place of residence.

Specifically, the decree encompasses parts of Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions that Putin illegally annexed in 2023 – regions that Russia doesn’t fully control. 

Ukraine’s Foreign Affairs Ministry described the presidential order as a broader policy of “genocide.” The potential home evictions could further alter the demographic tapestry of the occupied regions that are increasingly become more Russified under the occupational authorities. 

Additionally, “foreigners” who arrived in the occupied territories before the decree was issued and have been there for more than 90 days or are employed must undergo drug and HIV testing by June 10, as outlined in the document.

There are exceptions for individuals who have signed contracts to serve in the Russian military..

In effect, the decree aims to force Ukrainians living in Russia or on occupied territories to either accept Russian citizenship or leave. 

This was confirmed by the UK Defence Ministry, which stated that the goal is likely to expel Ukrainians who refuse to accept Russian passports from the occupied regions.

The UK Defence Ministry also emphasizes Russia’s illegal claim of the occupied territories as part of its own territory.

Putin and the Russian senior leadership continue to prosecute a Russification policy in illegally occupied Ukrainian territory, as part of longstanding efforts to extirpate Ukrainian culture, identity and statehood,” the text reads.

For more information about the presidential order please follow this link

Cover: Shutterstock

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