On May 25, the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) together with the multimillion-strong Ukrainian diaspora, joins African nations in marking Africa Day – a celebration of freedom, unity, and cooperation on the African continent.
On this day we celebrate cultural diversity of the continent where 54 African countries unite over 1.2 billion people who speak more than 3,000 languages. We celebrate that Africa became the first continent that focused on unity and encouraged nation-building through freedom from oppression.
Created in 1963 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) now the African Union (AU) established Africa Day in recognition of the vision and milestone achieved towards “An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena.”
Thus, UWC also asks African leaders and their peace-loving countries to help Ukraine to stop Russian military aggression, end the suffering of its people, and find a peaceful and righteous solution to the ongoing war by attending the Global Peace Summit on Ukraine. The Summit will focus on ways to achieve a comprehensive and lasting peace for Ukraine based on international law and the UN Charter.
“Today we celebrate African unity and its global leadership in many areas, including the African peace mission to Ukraine and Russia in June 2023, which became the first mission from African states that addressed a conflict outside the continent. The experience of the African states in peace building and fight against colonialism is critical to finding just long-lasting solution to Russia’s truly imperialistic war and their aims to deny Ukrainian identity. We call on African leaders to stand firm with Ukraine and join efforts with all sovereign states to establish the global order of justice,” stated Dzvinka Kachur, UWC Regional Vice President for Africa.
Africa is the youngest continent in the world and strengthening ties and developing mutual understanding between the continent’s countries and Ukraine is critical for modern global stability and well-being.
“Ukrainians living on the continent are working in multiple areas such as agriculture. The diversity of the African continent also includes Ukrainian communities in almost all African countries: Algeria, Angola, Botswana, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Livia, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles Islands, Tanzania, Tunis, Zambia, Zimbabwe! We call all Ukrainians on the continent to join our efforts in building a closer relationship between the continent and Ukraine,” Kachur added.
On Africa Day, let us celebrate our unity and shared values!