
More about UWC and its commitment to Ukraine’s independence

#UWC news
October 2,2014 183

More about UWC and its commitment to Ukraine’s independence

Below are six links for your consideration to videos that present the position and work of the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) with respect to recent events in Ukraine and in defence of the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine:

1. Address by UWC President Eugene Czolij in Montreal, Canada, during commemoration of Ukrainian Independence Day on 24 August 2014: http://bit.ly/1sPa8wM (Yurij Luhovy, Montreal, Canada)


2. Signing of Memorandum of cooperation between the Ukrainian World Congress and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, 28 August 2014:

http://bit.ly/1pIK924 (Channel“Kyiv”, Ukraine) and

http://bit.ly/1rPFW2v(“5 Kanal”, Ukraine)


3. Interview with UWC President Eugene Czolij, “5 Kanal”, Ukraine, 1 September 2014 (“Chas” with Roman Polischuk):  http://bit.ly/1ugqcGo


4. UWC President greets President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko on Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Canada, 17 September 2014: http://bit.ly/YUDRXa(Kontakt Ukrainian Television, Canada)


5. UWC President Eugene Czolij speaks with journalists during press conference at Ukraine Crisis Media Centre in Kyiv, Ukraine, 2 September 2014: http://bit.ly/1E4UK2f
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