
Lyudmyla Mlosh reflects on one of Germany’s oldest Ukrainian organizations

February 9,2024 1335
Lyudmyla Mlosh reflects on one of Germany’s oldest Ukrainian organizations

Lyudmyla Mlosh, the Head of the Central Union of Ukrainians in Germany (Zentralverband der Ukrainer in Deutschland, ZVUD), discusses why Ukrainians in Germany should write their history and how Ukrainian life in Berlin has changed over the decades in an interview with OstWest24.

In the conversation, Mlosh recalls the history of the creation of the  Central Union of Ukrainians in Germany, which now has an office in the former press bureau of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists. The interview was conducted in the legendary building with a trident, the center of Ukrainian life in the past century and remains so today. 

“We must write our own history here because people create history after all. We will now create this history positively, considering the negative aspects of the past and present. We want to be perceived as a nation, as a European nation that deserves it,” says Mlosh.

German citizens support Ukraine on its path. “They empathize with us and say that even during the times of World War II in Berlin, there was not as much devastation as we see now [in Ukrainian cities due to the war],” adds Mlosh.

Earlier, it was reported that the Central Union of Ukrainians in Germany in July 2022 organized the first Ukrainian children’s center in Berlin and named it “Bedryk” in support of Ukrainian displaced children and their mothers.

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