Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) representatives attended the EdCamp Resilience Point 2024 national conference. Key participants included Lyuba Lyubchyk, UWC’s International Educational Coordinating Council (IECC) Chair, and Andriy Shevchenko, Head of the UWC Mission to Ukraine.
“The mission of Ukrainian educators in Ukraine is nation-building. The mission of the IECC under the UWC is to coordinate the activities of educational institutions in the diaspora and promote the development and progress of Ukrainian education abroad,” said Lyuba Lyubchyk. Meanwhile, Andriy Shevchenko elaborated on the activities and priorities of the UWC.
Lyubchyk and Shevchenko also had the opportunity to interact with Andreas Schleicher, a global education leader, founder of the international PISA research, and Director for Education and Skills at the OECD.
“Andreas Schleicher, an educational guru, spoke about 21st-century skills in general and the importance of social-emotional skills in particular, academic success when knowledge and skills acquired during learning are applied by students in real-life situations. He addressed issues concerning the Ukrainian diaspora worldwide and the need to shape, develop, and preserve Ukrainian national identity abroad,” added Lyuba Lyubchyk.
Social research data suggests that students who lose their sense of identity tend to underperform, suffering from a lack of motivation and belonging, according to researcher Schleiche. Given these findings, representatives of the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) emphasized the critical importance of prioritizing the formation and preservation of national consciousness and Ukrainian identity within the framework of Ukrainian education abroad.
The national conference EdCamp Resilience Point 2024 was held from June 24 to 27, drawing the participation of high-ranking Ukrainian officials, global educational experts, and representatives from various civil society organizations.