In 2023, Ukrainians worldwide and Ukraine’s supporters and friends will celebrate several significant anniversaries. 2023 will be a landmark year for Ukrainians because it will mark the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor genocide of the Ukrainian people.
Together with the world community, we will celebrate the first decade of the Revolution of Dignity – the embodiment of Ukraine’s European aspirations. Of course, the most anticipated date of 2023 is the victory of the Ukrainian state over the Russian aggressor.
Below are some essential anniversaries we are preparing to celebrate with the global Ukrainian family.
January 6 marks the 85th anniversary of the Ukrainian poet Vasyl Stus’s birthday. Soviets murdered him in prison.
We are preparing to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Cardinal Lubomyr Husar’s birth in February. He was the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.
April 2023 marks the 70th anniversary of the legendary singer Kvitka Tsysyk’s birth (1953-1998). The singer was born in 1953 in New York in a Galician family that, at the end of the Second World War, along with thousands of other refugees, fled from the occupation and the Soviet government.
At the beginning of October, we are preparing to celebrate the 120th anniversary of Volodymyr Horowitz’s birth (1903-1989), the world-famous American pianist of Ukrainian origin.
On October 31, we will also remember the 140th anniversary of Mark Bezruchka’s birth (1883-1944), a military persona, Corporal General of the Army of the Ukrainian People’s Republic, whose leadership became the personification of the fighting brotherhood of the Ukrainian and Polish peoples.
December 2023 marks the 150th anniversary of the Shevchenko Scientific Society founding in Lviv (the original name was the Shevchenko Literary Society). This worldwide Ukrainian academic organization became the driving force behind the formation and development of Ukrainian science at the end of the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries.