
It could have been just another day in life in Dnipro, if not for Russia

January 16,2023 1612
It could have been just another day in life in Dnipro, if not for Russia

It was a Saturday and also Jan. 14, when many Ukrainians celebrate the so-called “Old New Year,” which is the New Year according to the Julian calendar.

There is a lot you can do on a Saturday, even a wartime Saturday if you are not in the trenches. For example, one man was about to go out to join his wife and children who had gone for a walk.

A woman was in her kitchen, probably cooking and certainly thinking about her son, who was at the time in the hottest spot of this war.

Two friends were chatting on their way to a gym for their regular workout.

A 15-year-old girl was at home alone. Was she dancing? She loved dancing.

So, it could have been just another day in life. If not for the Russians, who made it the last day for many in the Ukrainian city of Dnipro.

“Miraculously survived”: a Ukrainian defender about his mother’s rescue from the aftermath of Russians’ Dnipro terrorist attack

An incredible heart-wrenching story. This photo is of Maksym Omelyanenko, a Ukrainian defender on combat missions in Bakhmut, the hottest point of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Maksym saw a video of a rocket hitting the house in Dnipro, where his mother lived. He got from Bakhmut to his hometown in 4 hours and saw that a miracle had happened – his mother had survived the Russians’ deadly terrorist attack. She was in the corner of the kitchen – the only area that survived in the entire apartment on the ninth floor.

We thank Maksym and everyone who defends Ukraine from the Russian invaders. We wish Maksym’s mother and all injured from the terrible terrorist attack in Dnipro a speedy recovery.

Russia killed Mariyka

A rocket fired by Russian terrorists ended the life of 15-year-old Mariya Lebid, a 9th grade student and the President of the Student Council. The girl was extremely talented, pursued music and loved to grow flowers. Her dance performances enchanted with beauty and grace.

At the time of the shelling, Mariya’s mother was at work. The woman did not know what had happened to her daughter. According to a friend of the family, his brother was the first to run to the scene of the tragedy, but the apartment was gone, and so was his sister…

“The Russians killed her yesterday in the Dnipro. A 9th-grade student, the president of the student council at the Educational Complex No. 66. A dancer, a musician. Russia killed Mariyka. Russia kills children with rockets. Strength to the mother… Bright memory of the angel,” wrote the human rights activist and public figure Alina Bodnar in social networks.

The kitchen that survived the rocket attacks in Dnipro: the terrible tragedy of one family

January 14, 2023. The terrorist state fired a rocket and hit an innocent residential building. A photo showing a yellow kitchen, which miraculously survived the attack and whose brightness stands out from the surrounding ruins, went viral on social networks. If you look closely, you can even see fruits on the table, which are about to be eaten.

A tragic story is hiding behind this picture. A famous boxing coach Mykhailo Korenovsky lived in this apartment with his family and was killed by the terrorist state’s rocket attack. “Eternal memory to a great coach, good friend and family man. His wife was left with two children without a house and any belongings,” the Boxing Federation of Ukraine reports on its Facebook page.

As Mykhailo’s wife reported, at the time of the rocket’s impact, she took her children for a walk, and her husband came home to the apartment after the competition and was getting ready to join his family for a walk.

Later, a video of Dnipro apartment appeared on TikTok, which was filmed right before the Russian missile attack. It turned out that the video was made right in this same apartment – the boxing coach and his family were celebrating his daughter’s birthday…

A Russian missile destroyed this island of happiness and took the lives of innocent civilians.

The whole world saw yet another terrible occupiers’ crime, for which all those involved will bear inevitable responsibility. Bright and eternal memory of those who died from Russian terror…

Russia destroys families and kills loved ones: the story of best friends Olha and Iryna

Olha Usova and Iryna Solomatenko met in Dnipro. Both were dentists. Even when Russia first attacked Olha’s hometown in 2014, she and her husband became forced migrants, moved to Dnipro, and opened a private dental clinic. Young women supported Ukrainian defenders with voluntary dental assistance. Their colleagues loved them, their patients adored them and Ukrianian defenders were glad to see them every time.

In an interview with the “Fakty” publication, Olha’s husband recalled that on January 14, at lunchtime, the friends went to work out at a gym not far from the apartment building that Russian rocket hit. They were killed 100-150 meters away from the apartment building.

Olha and her husband were raising an 8-year-old son. In Iryna’s family, a 6-year-old daughter and a 14-year-old son are left without a mother.

The blood of these innocent victims will forever remain on the hands of the Russians and the “Russkiy Mir”.

Dogs search for survivors under the rubble of a Dnipro apartment building hit in the Russian missile attack

Specially trained dogs help rescuers search for survivors under the rubble of the Dnipro apartment building hit by Russians on January 14. Animal rights activist Oleksandr Todorchuk published photos of the four-legged heroes.

“Look who is looking for people under the rubble in the Dnipro. Remind anyone who refuses to let animals into the bomb shelter about them. To anyone who refuses to rent to people with animals. To everyone who believes that it is not time to save animals. Maybe animals will save your life one day,” Todorchuk wrote.

The Russian rocket that hit the high-rise building carried immense combat power. Reserve Major General of the SBU Viktor Yagun stated that Russian missiles carried clearly calculated coordinates – Russians meant to hit this specific apartment building.

How much death is deadly enough for Russians?

Nastya Shvets, a 23-year-old from Dnipro, was already grieving a loss of her loved one in the gruesome and unfair war, provoked by the russian terrorist state. She lived with her parents in the Dnipro apartment building when the Russians’ calculated terrorist attack wiped her apartment out in seconds in the early hours of January 14.

Natasha Shvets, Nastya’s mother, was a devoted volunteer at a local animal shelter.

In September, Nastya’s beloved died defending Ukraine. On January 14, Russians annihilated her home. Her parents, first presumed alive, now have been confirmed dead under the rubble. In the picture, Nastya is sitting in the midst of the debris, between the floors, holding her dead cat.

A local film producer wrote on her social media, “Nastya, 23 years old. It turns out that she was sitting between the destroyed floors with their dead cat in her arms. It is already known that her parents died. Her house is destroyed. I can’t even imagine what she feels and how to continue living??? The guilty will surely be punished, I believe in it! They will never be forgiven…”

And the question remains – how will she live? How will she go on? How could anyone go on, after the terrorist state erases literally everyone and everything that one has?

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