The International Coordinating Committee for Holodomor Awareness and Recognition (Committee) furthers the international recognition of the Holodomor as genocide of the Ukrainian people. The Committee works with Ukrainian communities and interested stakeholders including educational, religious and cultural institutions, to support and coordinate awareness and commemorative initiatives designed to educate the international community, its political leadership and civil society, on the history of the Holodomor and its relevance to modern day Ukraine. A priority of the Committee is recognition of the Holodomor as an act of genocide against the Ukrainian people by the United Nations and every governing authority worldwide.
Valentina Kuryliw’s latest book on human rights and the Holodomor now available on the UWC website of Remembrance to encourage the teaching of the Holodomor worldwide during November Remembrance Month. Valentina Kuryliw, Director of Education for the Holodomor Research and Education Consortium (HREC) Canada, in partnership with HREC in Ukraine, published an innovative course book titled The Historian’s Craft Lesson on Human Rights and the Holodomor. The book can be downloaded for free in both Ukrainian and English until the end of November.
Read moreWe invite all Descendants of Holodomor victims to add your voice to our Holodomor Descendants’ Network. Participation in the Network may be at a level that is comfortable and meaningful for you give
Read moreUWC is a founding partner of the development of phase two of the National Holodomor-Genocide Museum in Kyiv and supporter of the fundraising campaign launched by the International Charitable Foundation for the Development of the Holodomor Victims Memorial in partnership with the Canada-Ukraine Foundation (CUF). Funds are being raised for the permanent exposition and an endowment fund.
READ MOREUWC is a public relations sponsor of Project MARIA – a Mobile Memorial Space that memorializes the Holodomor, genocide of the Ukrainian people, as inspired by the story of one Holodomor survivor cur
READ MOREThe Holodomor Research and Education Consortium (HREC), offers a variety of resources with research-based, reliable content and curricular materials on the Holodomor for grades 5-12.
Educational materials (both in English and some in Ukrainian) include background information on the Holodomor, survivor memoirs, primary documents, archival photographs, newspaper articles, information about documentaries and feature films, excerpts from literature, as well as a variety of suggested lesson plans and assignments for teachers and students. HREC is a project of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta.