On August 23, the National Congress of Ukrainians in Moldova (NCUM) opened the first Ukrainian House in the country, reported Dmitrii Lecartev, NCUM Chairman. The ceremony was attended by Moldovan MPs, ambassadors, representatives of international organizations, Ukrainian refugess, and ethnic Ukrainians in Moldova.
“The importance of the Ukrainian House as a platform for dialogue and cultural exchange between Ukrainian and Moldovan communities was emphasized, as well as its role as a center for developing new partnerships and implementing community initiatives, a place of support for everyone who feels part of the Ukrainian community, especially those who have lost their homes due to the war,” wrote Lecartev.
Guests had the opportunity to participate in interactive workshops, prepare traditional Ukrainian dumplings, and to create amulets using the “motanka” technique. Also on display was a beaded Ukrainian flag, which the artisans had worked on for about a month. “The doors of the Ukrainian House will always be open to Ukrainians and friends of Ukraine,” the NCUM declared.
The Ukrainian World Congress congratulates the NCUM on the opening of the Ukrainian House and also joins in the celebrations for Moldova’s Independence Day, on August 27.
Photos: NCUM on Facebook