
Finland’s Prime Minister says it is necessary to take a tough position towards Hungary

August 5,2024 721
Finland’s Prime Minister says it is necessary to take a tough position towards Hungary

The Prime Minister of Finland, Petteri Orpo, in an interview with Yle, has criticized the actions of Hungary as the presiding country in the EU Council and called on the leadership of the European bloc for an effective response.

In Orpo’s opinion, it is important that the European Commission reacts to the fact that Hungary has eased the conditions of entry into its territory for citizens of Russia and Belarus.

“Hungary’s activities as a country presiding over the EU must also be evaluated very critically. It is impossible to constantly act contrary to the common position of the European Union. It is necessary to take a tough position,” Orpo emphasized.

Earlier, the head of the European People’s Party, the largest in the European Parliament, Manfred Weber, in a letter to the head of the European Council, Charles Michel, emphasized  that Hungary’s move will allow unverified Russians to travel freely throughout most of the EU.

So far, more than 60 European parliaments have signed the petition. They demand that the Schengen Agreement be terminated for Hungary if the country’s government refuses to change its policy. 

“If Hungary continues such an irresponsible visit policy, we believe that the country’s stay in the Schengen area is no longer a matter of course,” the deputy wrote.

The Czech member of the European, Danuse Nerudova, together with colleagues, initiated an appeal calling on the leadership of the European Commission to terminate the Schengen Agreement for Hungary if the country’s government refuses to change its policy. So far, more than 60 MEPs have signed this appeal.

“If Hungary continues such an irresponsible visa policy, we believe that the country’s stay in the Schengen zone is no longer a matter of course,” the deputy wrote.

Lithuania earlier condemned Hungary’s decision to simplify entry conditions for Russians and Belarusians and stated that the measure threatens the very security of the European Union.

The day before, Poland’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Teofil Bartoszewski, even suggested that Hungary leave the European Union. His view came in response to the anti-Polish statements of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.


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