Holodomor and the Nation – Multigenerational Effects

Date(s) - November 18, 2021 (GMT-0400)
Time 7:00 pm

Organizer: Global Holodomor Descendants’ Network, Ukrainian World Congress International Coordinating Committee for Holodomor Awareness and Recognition

Co-Sponsors: HDN USA, HDN Canada

On the eve of the 88th anniversary of the Holodomor in Ukraine (1932-33), we invite you to a webinar with the participation of leading experts, historians, and scientists.

Key issues:

  • How has the Holodomor impacted the behaviors and norms of Ukrainians in Ukraine and in the diaspora?
  • What long-lasting psychological and physical follow-on effects have been noted in different generations (survivors and descendants)?
  • How has the Holodomor impacted the development of the Ukrainian nation?

Webinar language: English

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