March 18, 2025 – The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) urgently call upon the international community to continue the firm non-recognition of Russia’s illegal invasion, annexation, and ongoing occupation of Ukraine’s sovereign territories, including Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.
Russia’s claims regarding Crimea and Eastern Ukraine are a deliberate distortion of historical truth and international law. Crimea has always been internationally recognized as an integral part of Ukraine, affirmed explicitly by Russia itself through the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, and reaffirmed by multiple international treaties. Russia’s unlawful invasion and occupation flagrantly violate Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and internationally recognized borders.
This aggression fundamentally contravenes principles outlined in the United Nations Charter—sovereign equality, territorial integrity, political independence, and the right to self-determination. The United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262 unequivocally condemns Russia’s actions and reaffirms Crimea and occupied Eastern territories as integral parts of Ukraine.
Commitments to Ukraine’s territorial integrity have been explicitly guaranteed by the United States through the Budapest Memorandum, along with numerous other international agreements and resolutions. Any weakening or deviation from these commitments by the United States would severely compromise its credibility as an international leader committed to maintaining the rules-based global order. Furthermore, disregarding such critical agreements would irreparably damage the United States’ legitimacy as a mediator in international conflicts, including efforts to restore peace in Ukraine.
Allowing any nation to forcibly invade, occupy, or annex another country’s territory establishes a perilous precedent, risking global peace, stability, and potentially leading to widespread international conflict. The international community must reject appeasement or tolerance of such aggression unequivocally.
We urge all nations, international bodies, and global civil society to remain resolute in refusing recognition of Russia’s illegal annexations and occupation. The fundamental principles of democracy, sovereignty, and international law must be vigorously defended and upheld.
The Ukrainian World Congress and global Ukrainians remain unwavering in our commitment to Ukraine’s territorial integrity. Crimea and Eastern Ukraine are and will always remain sovereign territories of Ukraine. Unity and steadfastness by the global community are essential to upholding international law and securing lasting peace and justice.