Dear Friends,
As we gather with our loved ones to celebrate the Christmas holidays and bring in the New Year, please remember the brave men and women in Ukraine putting their lives at risk in cold snowy trenches far away from their families this Christmas holiday. Today, we must all do whatever possible to support the people of Ukraine as they defend themselves and the world from Russia’s genocidal war. This is a critical time and together we can make a difference.
The Ukrainian World Congress has been steadfast in its mission to advocate for Ukraine and support our global Ukrainian communities. Please be generous in supporting the UWC’s vital work. Your contributions enable us to advocate for increased military, economic and political support for Ukraine from governments and people around the world.
Today our global advocacy is critical to ensure Ukraine is not forced to capitulate to Russian rule. Our large Ukrainian communities around the world play a crucial role in this effort. It is essential that we stay united, preserve our heritage, and build lasting institutions that will educate and inspire patriotic Ukrainians for generations to come.
During this holiday season, please be generous and donate to the UkrainianWorldCongress.org. This winter, each one can shape the future by helping the Ukrainian people defend their country and the borders of the free world.
I wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and most importantly Victory and Peace for Ukraine.
Christ is born! Let us praise Him!