
Call to action. Let’s Build an Army of Drones Together!

#UWC news
August 16,2022 823
Call to action. Let’s Build an Army of Drones Together!

Dear Ukrainians and friends of Ukraine!

I am reaching out to you today for your help in making a difference to end Russia’s War on Ukraine.

For the past 6 months the people of Ukraine have been bravely defending their families from Russia’s unprovoked war on Ukraine. Russia’s senseless invasion has resulted in the deaths of 10’s of thousands of innocent Ukrainian men, women and children; many more wounded; the countless destruction of schools, hospitals and civilian infrastructure; the leveling of entire cities and towns; millions of citizens forced to flee their homes; the serious risk of nuclear fallout from Russia’s bombing of power plants; and a resulting global economic crisis that has brought rampant global inflation to all of us, and food shortages to the most vulnerable populations in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. The only way stop this death, destruction and global economic suffering is for Ukraine to end this war by pushing back Russia’s armies.

If you want to make a difference, please help us build an “Army of Drones” for Ukraine. The Ukrainian World Congress in partnership with the Defense Forces of Ukraine and United24 are raising money to procure sophisticated reconnaissance drones to give the defenders of Ukraine the eyes needed to protect their families and fellow citizens from Russia’s murderous attacks.

Although we cannot be on the frontlines, we CAN help the defenders of Ukraine. Please join us by generously donating to Ukraine’s Drone Army by August 24th – the thirty-first anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence.

Send your funds to the Ukrainian World Congress UniteWithUkraine campaign at UniteWithUkraine.com. UWC will acquire the drones selected by Ukraine’s Armed Forces and ensure they are delivered to the Drone Army team. Your donation will contribute to protecting the people of Ukraine and towards ending this bloody war in Europe. Every single dollar, euro or pound brings Ukraine one step closer to victory.

By contributing to this Ukrainian World Congress campaign, we will ensure that Ukraine’s Drone Army receives the appropriate equipment, training, and support to be successful. As a global NGO responsible to our members in over 60 countries, the Ukrainian World Congress will ensure full accountability for the sources and the uses of these funds. We will publicly recognize every community, organization and individual for their donations and we encourage organizations to become formal partners of the UWC Drone Army campaign. Please join me in making a substantial gift to Ukraine’s Drone Army in honor of Ukraine’s Independence Day on August 24.

Together, let’s build an “Army of Drones” to help protect the people of Ukraine and to regain their peace and independence! Glory to Ukraine!

Thank you!

Paul Grod,

President, Ukrainian World Congress


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