
By blocking fighter jets to Ukraine, U.S. gives Putin green light to continue bombing civilians

#UWC news
March 9,2022 525
By blocking fighter jets to Ukraine, U.S. gives Putin green light to continue bombing civilians

Ukrainians and friends of Ukraine are deeply dismayed by the U.S. Government’s decision to block the transfer of MiG fighter jets from Eastern European countries to Ukraine. The U.S. and other NATO allies must give Ukraine the tools it needs to defend against Russia’s criminal air attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure. 

Today’s bombing of a children’s hospital in Mariupol, killing and wounding countless innocent civilians, is a war crime. It is one of many examples of the continuous and heinous atrocities being committed by Russia against the Ukrainian people. 

 The Ukrainian World Congress calls upon the U.S. Government to stop the slaughter and provide Ukraine with the fighter jets and air defense systems they are requesting to end the barbaric Russian bombing and shelling.  

 “President Biden must take decisive military action to stop these atrocities by Russia. Only by enabling the Ukrainians to defend themselves, will Russia’s slaughter be stopped. Mr. President – give Ukraine the aircraft and air defence systems they need to survive!” stated UWC President Paul Grod. 

 Every wasted minute costs another Ukrainian life! 

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