
Address by president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, June 27, 2023

June 28,2023 526
Address by president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, June 27, 2023

“Every manifestation of terror proves to the whole world that Russia deserves only defeat and a tribunal,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Fellow Ukrainians!

Exactly on the anniversary of the Russian terrorists’ attack on Kremenchuk, on the shopping mall, when 22 people were killed, Russian savages again fired missiles at the Kremenchuk district.

Today, Russian terrorists also brutally shelled Kramatorsk. S-300 missiles. Three people were killed, including a child. My condolences to the families and friends. As of this hour, more than 40 people are wounded. Assistance is being provided to all. The rubble is being cleared.

Each such manifestation of terror proves over and over again to us and to the whole world that Russia deserves only one thing as a result of everything it has done – defeat and a tribunal, fair and legal trials against all Russian murderers and terrorists.

And I thank again and again everyone in the world who supports Ukraine and helps protect our people!

Full text of the address: Office of the President of Ukraine

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